【Lyrics】胡夏 - 來過 Translate & Pinyin Lyrics(Láiguò)

rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜

作詞:楊曉磊Blues、 陳可心、 劉鑫磊

The sky is dark
Tiānsè àn huīle
The air is cold
Kōngqì lěngmòle
Kite in hand falls with the wind
Shǒu zhòng fēngzhēng suí fēng luò
Forgotten childhood candy
Yíwàngle tóngnián tángguǒ
How long hasn't been crying
Duōjiǔ méi kūle
Tears fall down
Lèishuǐ què huáluò
We laughed at ourselves
Wǒmen cháoxiào zìrèn yōumò
Can't find the color in memory
Zhǎo bù huí jìyì zhòng cǎisè
我們匆匆來過 匆匆走過 不帶走什麼
We have hurriedly passed by, hurriedly passed by, nothing to take away
Wǒmen cōngcōng láiguò cōngcōng zǒuguò bù dài zǒu shénme
綠洲變成沙漠 文明是否 伴隨花瓣凋落
Oasis turns into desert, is civilization accompanied by petals falling
Lǜzhōu biànchéng shāmò wénmíng shìfǒu bànsuí huābàn diāoluò
(孟佳:we've been here before)
只要雙手緊握 明天總會 綻放那片焰火
As long as you hold your hands tightly, there will always be that firework tomorrow
Zhǐyào shuāng shǒu jǐn wò míngtiān zǒng huì zhànfàng nà piàn yànhuǒ
畫卷中的你我 留給未來 最美的天空色
You and me in the picture scroll leave the most beautiful sky to the future
Huàjuàn zhōng de nǐ wǒ liú gěi wèilái zuìměi de tiānkōng sè
(孟佳:we've been here before)
To touch
Qù chùmō

當空氣變冷 黎明以後是明天
When the air gets cold, after dawn is tomorrow
Dāng kōngqì biàn lěng límíng yǐhòu shì míngtiān
We also advised ourselves to adapt to sudden changes in temperature
Wǒmen hái quàn zìjǐ yào shìyìng qìwēn zhòu biàn
濃霧把未來封鎖 而人類在哀怨
The dense fog blocks the future, and humans are lamenting
Nóngwù bǎ wèilái fēngsuǒ ér rénlèi zài āiyuàn
狂風遊走城市 鋼筋鐵骨之間
The wind roams the city, between steel and iron
Kuángfēng yóuzǒu chéngshì gāngjīn tiě gǔ zhī jiān
陽光 藍天 已沒兒時耀眼
The sun and the blue sky are no longer dazzling as a child
Yángguāng lántiān yǐ méi er shí yàoyǎn
災害不斷示警 動物遷徙家園
Disasters continue to warn of animal migration
Zāihài bùduàn shìjǐng dòngwù qiānxǐ jiāyuán
我們賴以生存自然 卻把它改變
We live by nature but change it
Wǒmen lài yǐ shēngcún zìrán què bǎ tā gǎibiàn
最後生命留於膠捲 哪裡是新家園
The last life is left on the film, where is a new home
Zuìhòu shēngmìng liú yú jiāojuǎn nǎlǐ shì xīn jiāyuán

我們匆匆來過 匆匆走過 不必再閃躲
We hurried by, hurried by, no need to dodge
Wǒmen cōngcōng láiguò cōngcōng zǒuguò bùbì zài shǎnduǒ
綠洲變成沙漠 文明是否 伴隨花瓣凋落
Oasis turns into desert, is civilization accompanied by petals falling
Lǜzhōu biànchéng shāmò wénmíng shìfǒu bànsuí huābàn diāoluò
(孟佳:we've been here before)
就算呼吸微弱 生命蜷縮 也無法將我擊破
Even if my breath is weak and my life is curled up, it can’t break me
Jiùsuàn hūxī wéiruò shēngmìng quánsuō yě wúfǎ jiāng wǒ jípò
每處絕望身側 都有轉折 喚醒最終狂熱
Every desperate side has a turning point, awakening the ultimate fanaticism
Měi chù juéwàng shēn cè dōu yǒu zhuǎnzhé huànxǐng zuìzhōng kuángrè
(孟佳:we've been here before)
Is pulse
De màibó

土地荒涼減半 人們點燃希望避難
Land desolation halved, people ignited hope for refuge
Tǔdì huāngliáng jiǎn bàn rénmen diǎnrán xīwàng bìnàn
沙漠侵蝕森林無人管 是誰在宣戰
The desert erodes the forest without supervision, who is declaring war
Shāmò qīnshí sēnlín wúrén guǎn shì shuí zài xuānzhàn
拍照來留念 也只能懷念
I can only miss it when I take a photo
Pāizhào lái liúniàn yě zhǐ néng huáiniàn
懺悔 從來都 有藉口 敷衍
Confession always has excuses and perfunctory
Chànhuǐ cónglái dōu yǒu jíkǒu fūyǎn
讓私欲 繼續肆意氾濫
Let selfish desire continue to overflow
Ràng sīyù jìxù sìyì fànlàn
人類從來是 向未來索要著答案 誓言表態 接著全部都配合逃難
Human beings have always asked for answers from the future, vowed to express their stance, and then all cooperated to escape.
Rénlèi cónglái shì xiàng wèilái suǒyàozhe dá'àn shìyán biǎotài jiēzhe quánbù dōu pèihé táonàn
誰想過 黑夜之前 留下蔚藍 不再遺憾
Who ever thought of leaving the blue before the night, no more regrets
Shuí xiǎngguò hēiyè zhīqián liú xià wèilán bù zài yíhàn

我們匆匆來過 匆匆走過 不帶走什麼
We have hurriedly passed by, hurriedly passed by, nothing to take away
Wǒmen cōngcōng láiguò cōngcōng zǒuguò bù dài zǒu shénme
綠洲變成沙漠 文明是否 伴隨花瓣凋落
Oasis turns into desert, is civilization accompanied by petals falling
Lǜzhōu biànchéng shāmò wénmíng shìfǒu bànsuí huābàn diāoluò
(孟佳:we've been here before)
只要雙手緊握 明天總會 綻放那片焰火
As long as you hold your hands tightly, there will always be that firework tomorrow
Zhǐyào shuāng shǒu jǐn wò míngtiān zǒng huì zhànfàng nà piàn yànhuǒ
畫卷中的你我 留給未來 最美的天空色
You and me in the picture scroll leave the most beautiful sky to the future
Huàjuàn zhōng de nǐ wǒ liú gěi wèilái zuìměi de tiānkōng sè
(孟佳:we've been here before)
To touch
Qù chùmō

rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜


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