【Lyrics】劉若英 - 各自安好 Translate & Pinyin Lyrics(Gèzì ān hǎo)

rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜

白雲早已 不纏繞藍天
The white clouds are not entangled in the blue sky
Báiyún zǎoyǐ bù chánrào lántiān
刻意斷了 消息幾年
Deliberately cut off the news for a few years
Kèyì duànle xiāoxī jǐ nián
再見面 也沒意外都
I won't be surprised if we meet again.
Zài jiànmiàn yě méi yìwài dōu
Bring the family with you
Xié jiā dài juàn
有一度想 視而不見
I thought for a while to turn a blind eye
Yǒu yīdù xiǎng shì'érbùjiàn
還是轉念 走近寒暄
I changed my mind and came to the greeting
Háishì zhuǎnniàn zǒu jìn hánxuān
自嘲說 我這樣子
I laughed at myself like this
Zìcháo shuō wǒ zhèyàng zi
I can live to this day
Jìngrán yě néng huó dào jīntiān
既然各自安好 又何必掛念
Since we are all well, why bother
Jìrán gèzì ān hǎo yòu hébì guàniàn
誰想再為誰糾結 也沒法糾結
Whoever wants to entangle for whom can't entangle
Shuí xiǎng zài wèi shuí jiūjié yě méi fǎ jiūjié
過得人人稱羨 有報復的意味
It's admired by everyone, it means revenge
Guò dé rén rén chēngxiàn yǒu bàofù de yìwèi
只想幸福到 你比我後悔
I just want to be happy, you regret more than me
Zhǐ xiǎng xìngfú dào nǐ bǐ wǒ hòuhuǐ
這句別來無恙 我怎會哽咽
Don't come here without any problems, how come I choked up
Zhè jù bié lái wúyàng wǒ zěn huì gěngyàn
想哭是因為 留戀
I want to cry because of nostalgia
Xiǎng kū shì yīnwèi liúliàn
還是哭我們 本該是完美 一對
Still crying that we should be the perfect couple
Háishì kū wǒmen běn gāi shì wánměi yī duì
也發誓過 老死不相見
I vowed to never see each other
Yě fāshìguò lǎosǐ bù xiāng jiàn
卻不爭氣地 多望一眼
But I look more unconvinced
Què bù zhēngqì dì duō wàng yīyǎn
No matter how sad, I can only care
Zài xīnsuān zhǐ néng guānqiè
你我的孩子 差幾歲
How old are you and my child
Nǐ wǒ de háizi chà jǐ suì
既然各自安好 又何必掛念
Since we are all well, why bother
Jìrán gèzì ān hǎo yòu hébì guàniàn
誰想再為誰糾結 也沒法糾結
Whoever wants to entangle for whom can't entangle
Shuí xiǎng zài wèi shuí jiūjié yě méi fǎ jiūjié
過得人人稱羨 有報復的意味
It's admired by everyone, it means revenge
Guò dé rén rén chēngxiàn yǒu bàofù de yìwèi
只想幸福到 你比我後悔
I just want to be happy, you regret more than me
Zhǐ xiǎng xìngfú dào nǐ bǐ wǒ hòuhuǐ
這句別來無恙 我不能哽咽
Don't be unharmed, I can't choke
Zhè jù bié lái wúyàng wǒ bùnéng gěngyàn
想哭是因為 留戀
I want to cry because of nostalgia
Xiǎng kū shì yīnwèi liúliàn
還是哭我們 本該是完美 一對
Still crying that we should be the perfect couple
Háishì kū wǒmen běn gāi shì wánměi yī duì
Two immature people
Liǎng gè bù chéngshú de rén
Coincidentally in the end
Zuìhòu bùyuē'értóng
Choose to surrender to stability
Xuǎnzé chénfú yú ānwěn
Like someone locked up by missing
Xiàng bèi sīniàn fǎnsuǒ de rén
To the end of life
Zhōng qí yīshēng
反覆熟練 忘卻
Repeatedly proficient and forget
Fǎnfù shúliàn wàngquè
既然各自安好 沒甚麼怨言
Since they are all well, there is no complaint
Jìrán gèzì ān hǎo méishénme yuànyán
只好用善待現在 去報答昨天
I can only repay yesterday with kindness to the present
Zhǐhǎo yòng shàndài xiànzài qù bàodá zuótiān
哄身邊人入睡 也哄回憶沉睡
Put the people around you to sleep, but also put your memories to sleep
Hōng shēnbiān rén rùshuì yě hōng huíyì chénshuì
我不該難過 你得償所願
I shouldn't be sad, you got what you wanted
Wǒ bù gāi nánguò nǐ dé cháng suǒ yuàn
這句別來無恙 想煽情一些
Don't be unharmed, I want to be sensational
Zhè jù bié lái wúyàng xiǎng shānqíng yīxiē
我能做的卻 有限
What I can do is limited
Wǒ néng zuò de què yǒuxiàn
想說聲遺憾 說成了備感 欣慰
I want to express regret
Xiǎng shuō shēng yíhàn shuō chéngle bèi gǎn xīnwèi
rodiyer.idv.tw 拉里拉雜


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